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Malacca Malaysia heritage did not remain unnoticed by the appreciating eyes of UNESCO. In 2008, Malacca was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site along with Georgetown Penang. There are plenty of heritage sites, ruins of fort, colonial buildings, temples, churches and old architecture that can be found in Malacca.

History of Malacca Malaysia

Malacca Malaysia was not historically connected to other countries through traded networks alone. In late 1500, there was a huge interest of Chinese emperor in Melaka due to it’s strategical location for trading. The Chinese migrated to Malacca and their inter-marriages with the local Malay people start a new generation known as “Baba Nyona”.

In 1511, Malacca was conquered by Portugese followed by Dutch in 1641. In 1795, Malacca was handed over to British India Company. Later in 1826 it came under British administration and in 1827 it became a British colony. In 1956, Tunku Abdul Rahman became first prime minister of Malaysia and in 1957, Federation of Malay was formed.

Malacca Malaysia was built several times and destroyed too. All the rulers have left their footprints in the area which add to the beauty of Malacca. What could not be destroyed was its pure air and walkable land. There is much more to see in Malacca besides the water and parks. The tourists are excited to see the Dutch Square and miles of area.

Cultural Hub

Melaka is culturally similar to Malaysian island Georgetown, on Penang. Thus the two share UNESCO World Heritage status. Melaka touches shipping routes that connects Indian Ocean with the Far East. Malacca experiences monsoonal winds and thus the weather is very pleasant during monsoon season. Historically, visitors came to Malacca from India, Arab, China and Iran for trade purposes. It was a hub of traders for exchanging silk, spices and dyes. Every trader and every nation that came to Melaka added some value in it that enhances its grace till today.

Heritage Sites

You will find many historical buildings while roaming in Malacca like Churches, Ruins of Forts, Palaces, Temples and Graveyards. The Melaka administration has remarkably saved its heritage and apart from destroyed centuries old forts, the Dutch, Chinese, Malay and Muslim buildings are nicely preserved.

The Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum is one such site that offers an insight to the lifestyle, dressing and rituals of the old Chinese Malay people. The Heeren heritage house was a warehouse that today serves as a guesthouse. The Sultanate Palace Malacca is another heritage currently being used as a museum.

There are many other heritage sites which attract tourists including Christ Church Melaka, St. Paul’s Hill, the Stadthuys, A Famosa Fort, St. John Fort, Cheng Hong Ten Temple, St Peter’s Church, Maritime Museum others.

It is also recommended to do one of the activities for the heritage exploration in Melaka:

  • Explore central Malacca on foot
  • Take a trishaw ride
  • Take a Melaka river cruise ride

Read More: Top 10 historical places to visit in Melaka

Popular food in Melaka

Tourists seldom forget what they ate while travelling. You will also collect some great memories of Malay, Chinese and Nyonya food from Melaka. The popular food of Melaka includes Chicken rice balls, Satays, Cellups (local deserts), Coconut shakes, Noodles, Soups and Fried Fish. Melaka people love their half cooked seafood dishes dipped in Satays. The one-bite puffs are great and fabulously fresh confectionery food item of Melaka.

Night life in Malacca

Walking in the street markets of Melaka is best night time activity. You would love the walk in Jonker Street and Jonker walk where you can shop around on the stalls selling things from artifacts to food, clothing and jewelry. This is one of the best places to buy a gift for your family and friends as well.

Photo Credit: Symphonex