MPI Generali Run 2016

MPI Generali Run 2016

Date: 10-Jan-2016 
700 AM 1100 AM

MPI Generali Run is bigger bolder and brighter in its fifth year bringing you family sized fun and lots of cheer and laughter. Register as runner today. Complemented by My First Run Clinic for amateur runners to pick up running and fitness tips and Project Good Deeds which collects preloved shoes and Tshirts for the Orang Asli community.

Location: Padang Merbuk
 60 32034 9888 Ext 7807

International Aborigines Festival

International Aborigines Festival

This unique art festival features the aboriginal/ indigenous peoples from various countries: Maori (New Zealand), Aboriginal (Australian), Zulu (South Africa), Aboriginal (Papua New Guinea), Samoas (Samoa) and Malaysia’s Orang Asli. A highlight is the village lifestyle embedded into musical and danced performances which are rich with presentations, displays and manifestations. Visitors will also be able to view unique crafts and arts during the festival.


Date: 23rd  – 25 October 2015

Venue: Titiwangsa Lake Garden, Kuala Lumpur

Organizer National Department For Culture Arts (JKKN)

Phone: 603-2614 8200 / 8283 / 8316

Fax: 603-2697 0786

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